
A new sung-through musical written and directed by Samantha Roberts, Forget I Said Anything follows an ensemble of characters as they navigate through relationships, both new and old. We explore how people treat each other in the modern age, and the toxic and unhealthy relationships that are produced and reinforce our warped perceptions of reality. Samantha first began writing Forget I Said Anything as a student at Temple University, and since 2019 it has been performed as a musical, individually, and as staged readings.

Samantha Roberts (Composer)

“Forget I Said Anything is a musical about relationships of all shapes and sizes. I encourage you to ask yourself why certain unhealthy relationships are featured. Our society relies on the idea that everyone is replaceable as a reason to not commit to anything. I have always struggled with that ideal. Nothing can be perfect, but when we show each other empathy, there is a chance we can grow into a kinder society.”


“All I can do is hope one day your words won’t mean as much.”

“What if something better comes along? It may be stupid, but I think I’m right.”

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